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Last updated: 30 July 2018.

This text is written with a blog editor that requires entries ordered by date, rather than topic. To get around this limitation, the dates on this blog are adjusted to order text entries topically, from top to bottom. And that is the way the entries are meant to be read, top-down. I start with a few short articles (vignettes) and move on to more detailed materials (chapters). I presume no knowledge of watercolor, drawing, or even art on your part. And if that's the case, start at the top and read your way down to the bottom. I think you will get the best experience that way.

Can you skip around? Well, you know what you want to learn and what you already know. Skip around as you like. But if you are confused by terminology or something seems undefined, it was likely explained in more detail in a vignette or chapter somewhere above the one you are reading.

Then of course, it could be me. After all, I'm 98% water. I don't even know why there aren't any "B" batteries. So, if something is confusing, please drop me a line. Maybe I can fix it.

Thanks for reading...

Joe C.

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