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About the Artist

Three lemons, watercolor

I am a watercolorist and photorealist. I came to paint quite late in my life at the end of my fifth decade.  And when I started, I was terrible.  But in short order, I began finding the right artists to emulate, invent-




ting and adapting techniques that worked for me, and things began to slowly take shape. Many of the images on this website were painted only a few years after I first picked up a paint brush.  Who knew?  If my experience is illustrative, it takes at least 200 hours to paint a rock that looks like a rock. But then progress becomes more daily evident and self-reinforcing.  


If you are interested in watercolor, check out my free Watercolor Textbook with Projects, which I hope will be helpful to you in painting your own watercolors.  


I hope you find something to your liking on my site.  From time to time I recommend books or supplies that I have found helpful.  I accept absolutely no in-kind or direct advertiser funding, so you can be sure my product recommendations are uninfluenced by commercial considerations.  I hope you find my suggestions helpful.  As always, feel free to drop me a line via email to

© 2020 Still LIfes Matter.  All rights reserved.

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